Committee Designations & Descriptions
PRESIDENT: Genna Robbins
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Liz Siemiatkaska and Marcia Podlisny
PROGRAMMING: Genna Robbins, Sheila Horowitz, Sue Molinda
Establishes the monthly programs; customarily filled by the President-Elect.
HOSPITALITY: Carolyn Appelman, Kathy McIsaac, Vicki Farinella (Co-Chairs), Valerie Kafka
Assigns members to a hospitality committee for monthly meeting; Members are responsible to fulfill their assignment or find a replacement.
BY-LAWS/CONSTITUTION: Marcia Bridgeman (chair), Kathy Hawes, Pat Blansfield
Updates/revises by-laws as needed.
NOMINATING: Sue Molinda (2024 - 2026), Marie Martin (2026-2028)
Seeks a slate of officers biannually. Customarily filled by the past president.
Attendance: Shelley King (chair), Joanne Byrnes
Welcomes members and guests to each monthly meeting, checks them in and out; ensures there is a name badge for each member. Notifies President if guests attending.
Historian: Marie Martin
Organizes and saves historical documents to preserve memories of club activities for current and past years.
Tech: Barry Kasindorf
Assists with AV equipment and helps with technical issues.
Awards: Pat Blansfield
Looks for opportunities to submit The Club for awards for their special events; participation in flower shows, etc.
Town Square: Cathy Dunning (chair), Sharon Steih, Consultants: Brenda Minihan, Pat Doherty
Sharon Train Station: Marie Martin
The Club designs, plants, and maintains Town civic gardens. These ongoing projects are the responsibility of the whole Club and require a few hours of time from each member.
Daffodil Drive: Marjorie Newman
Oversees the annual Daffodil Drive to sell bulbs to the community and plants daffodils around the Town.
Communications: Pamela Pomerantz,(chair), Barry Kasindorf, Devin Teran (Facebook and Instagram), Marcia Podlisny (gmail)
Responsible for the content of the Club website, Instagram and Facebook accounts, and assists Publicity in promoting events.
Photography: Sheila Horowitz, Shelley King, Marcia Podlisny, Sue Gibson
Takes photographs/videos of meetings and events to preserve the history and activities of the club. Shares to website as appropriate.
Promote club activities through social media and other means.
CONSERVATION Keeps members informed about current conservation, environmental and legal issues and trends related to preserving our natural resources.
Field Trips: Organized by individual members
Monthly opportunities for members to visit local nurseries, gardens, museums, etc. organized by members.
Walkabout Tours: Susan Novick, Beth Nathan
Coordinates and communicates a schedule of Walkabout Tours. Walkabouts are casual, fun and informative walks through members’ gardens in the spring and summer to allow an exchange of gardening knowledge, philosophy and inspiration.
Art in Bloom/MFA: Marie Martin
Organizes the The Club’s participation in the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) Art in Bloom (AIB) display
Art in Bloom with Sharon Schools: Kathy Hawes, (chair)
Opportunity to interpret student artwork through flowers.
Books in Bloom/Sharon Library: Kathy Hawes
Coordinates Club members to design floral interpretation of books for the library
Design Workshops: Kathy Hawes
Conducts hands-on opportunities for members to learn floral design techniques.
Greens Workshop: Karen Frietas
Coordinates a workshop to create decorations for the December Club holiday party, the Sharon Public Library and the Foremost Healthcare Facility using greens donated by members.
Library Arrangements: Kathy Hawes
Coordinates weekly floral designs for the Sharon Public Library.
Mechanics Corner:
Makes floral design and garden items available for sale to members.
Annual Plant Sale: Theresa Kennedy, (chair), Tori Kean, Con Healy, Earle Nicholas
Plans the annual plant sale fundraiser held the weekend after Mother’s Day each year at the First Congregational Church to provide local plant material to the community.
Biennial Event: SGC Board
Plans a community fundraiser every other year to raise funds for Club activities. Initiated by the Board.
Educates Club members on horticulture by providing exhibits and plant information preferably at monthly Club meetings.
An initiative to engage different age groups in garden and related topics through activities with the schools, library and community.
Garden Therapy: Diane Wittenberg
Coordinates a schedule for Club Members to assist with weekly flower arranging activities for the residents at Foremost Healthcare. Members donate flowers from their gardens and/or volunteer with the residents in this activity.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Marcia Bridgeman (chair), Sheila Horowitz, Marie Brennan-Chasin, Pat Blansfield
Awards two $750 scholarships to graduating students from area schools. Explores available funds through GCFMA and NGC.
President’s Meeting: Biennial invitation to District Garden Club Presidents and the MA Garden Club Federation to a Member Meeting scheduled at the discretion of our Club President.
SUNSHINE: Marian Blatchford
Visits, writes or calls members who are indisposed for any reason