We are a group of 75 individuals and family with diverse interests in gardening, landscape, horticulture, planting and floral design. Want to learn more?
Join Us!
In a normal year, meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month from September through June at the Sharon Community Center. The December and May meetings are for Club members only but all others are open to all. Note: If Sharon schools are closed, the meeting will be cancelled. Meetings may be rescheduled if possible.
The Club may meet via Zoom, if necessary
Members of the Board meet on the first Monday of each month.
Club dues are $35.00 single; $45.00 family membership. Dues must be paid by May 1. A late fee of $10.00 may be charged after the spring Annual Meeting.
Projects, programming, and yearbook publication are dependent upon prompt payment of dues. Notify the Membership Chair if you change your membership status.
Failure to respond by June 30 will result in deletion from the member website and Google Group..
Memberships include yearly online subscription to the Mayflower, the newsletter of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts (GCFM).
Membership Requirements
Download and complete a membership application form here. You can print and send with your check to the address on the form.
Members are required to attend at least 3 meetings, September through May, serve on at least 1 standing committee, serve on a hospitality committee once per club year, and participate in the Club’s Annual Spring Plant Sale by contributing 10 plants from their garden or by purchase from a local nursery. Members are encourages to volunteer to set up and/or sell at the sale.
Membership Application
Download and complete a membership application form here. You can print and send with your check to the address on the form.