The Sharon Garden Club awards two $750 scholarships each year to local graduating seniors. The Scholarship honors the memory of a woman who loved both flowers and her students; Eleanor Edwards. Eleanor was President of the Sharon Garden Club from 1986 to 1988 and served as the Secretary for many years. She was a music teacher at the Cottage Street School and taught piano. She enjoyed chairing the Scholarship Committee to continue helping students after her retirement.
Award Winners of the Eleanor Edwards Memorial Scholarship:
Congratulations to our 2024 Scholarship Recipients: Benjamin Can and Avant Pai
Benjamin is a senior at Sharon High School and plans to pursue an Environmental Science major to help tackle climate change. In high school, he participated in the Environmental Club and the Restoring Oceans Club. In his environmental science class, he promoted recycling and sustainability practices to other high school students. He cut and pulled knotweed in Sharon and did trash collection walks on trails. Benjamin plays the piano and plans to continue his music in college; just what Eleanor would wish.
Sophia is a senior at Sharon High School and wants to major in Environmental Studies to spread awareness of global warming and climate change. She joined the Environmental Club in her freshman year, was Vice-President in her junior year and President as a senior. Avani helped raise money for the annual tree planting ceremony in Sharon. She is a member of the Governor Healey Youth Climate Council. Avani tutors math at Kumon once a week and is part of the High School theater company. She enjoys ballet dancing and is a member of the World Language Honors Society.
2023. Avery Freitas and Sophia Oh
2022 Erin Schuslek. 2021 Jana Al-Husayni
2020 Maxwell LeBlanc. 2019. Sophie Lisle
2018. Lynn Fu 2017 Sean McCluskey
2016 Emma Singer. 2015 Rachel Lederer
2014 Minerva Tell 2013 Elizabeth Ward
2012. Brian Fitzgerald. 2011 Lee Johnson.
2010 John Townsend 2009 Samuel Blatchford
2008 Jacob Vogenberg 2007 Jenna Rosenwasser
2007 Danial Ceto