Dear Garden Club Friends
It is with a heavy heart that I share with you the sad news that Adriana O’Sullivan passed away on October 18, 2024. Surrounded by her loving husband Robert, her daughters, Sandra and Robin, and her grandchildren, she died peacefullyin her sleep. Adriana joined the Sharon Garden Club in 1992 and became a life member in 2023. She was president of the Club 2006‐2008.
Adriana served on countless Garden Club committees and was quick to offer her help, support and sense of humor. A Master gardener as well as a talented and prolific designer, Adriana’s designs continue to beatify our town of Sharon. Her legacy of garden designs include:
o The garden in front of Angels’Café in the center of town.
o The garden at the gazebo by Lake Massapaog on Beech street.
o The garden at the side entrance to the Community Center.
o The garden in front of the Deborah Sampson statue at theTownLibrary.
o The garden in front of the fire station.
o The gardens in front of Our Lady of Sorrows and along the side of O’ Connell Hall.
o The gardens at the WWII Memorial and the Blue Star Memorial at the Town Hall.
o The garden at the Sharon Train Station.
Originally from the Netherlands, Adriana was an accomplished artist in her early years, and her works in pottery were displayed in the Rijks Museum, Amsterdam and are part of its permanent collection.
Adriana had an extensive knowledge of plants and a passion for sharing her information. You can watch the video of her presentation to the Garden Club of Norfolk entitled “30 Plants That Pay the Rent” by Adriana O’ Sullivan by looking under “Educational Activities”, and clicking on “Gardening Information” on this website. The handout from her lecture is also on these pages. It’s a beautiful way to remember Adriana the next time you’re deciding on that new addition to your garden!
In accordance with the family’s wishes private services will be held