The Sharon Garden Club
Daffodil Drive
Over 20 years ago, a long time member, Valerie Kafka, founded a yearly daffodil bulb sale. With the help of Elizabeth Skelton, a fellow SGC member, and in conjunction with the Department of Public Works, the program was born.
Over the years some 150,000 daffodil bulbs have been planted in Sharon, by garden club members on town property and by individual towns people who have purchased and planted bulbs on their property. Each spring we are delighted to welcome their colorful, hope - renewing, return!
You can make a difference even if you don’t wish to plants bulbs in your own yard. Make a donation here and we will purchase the bulbs and plant throughout the Town.
How To Order
There are two ways to order your bulbs:
On the website using Paypal. (You do not need to be a Paypal subscriber to use this service)
Click on the number of bulbs you wish to order below and follow the instructions
By Mail. Fill out this form, mail in a check with the form.
Bulbs need to be ordered by: July 29, 2024
Bulbs are collected from Sharon DPW in October. We distribute the bulbs at the garages to the left of the DPW offices. We will contact you with the exact date and time, and will post the details on this website.
Bulbs not collected by this date will be planted throughout Sharon by the garden club.