February Monthly Meeting
Speaker Joanne Pearson presented “Fragrance in the Garden”
Field Trip to Harvard Class Museum in planning
Sharon Reads Together program - looking for members to make a floral design to interpret the book “Millie Finds Her Bench”.
Plant Sale in May. Members should start growing their seeds
January Monthly Meeting
Sue Molinda and Brenda Minihan presented a program on seed sowing. Please consider participating in the “Sprout Challenge” this Spring. Please look for details in our Sprout Challenge section on the website and share your seed growth/experience on Google Groups.
Floral Design Class on February 8th; there are still slots available to attend this class.
Sharon Reads Together on May 1st. Contact Kathy Hawes if you would like to participate in a floral arrangement to interpret this book.
November Monthly Meeting
Meeting Touchpoints:
Thank you members who made arrangements for the Books in Bloom at the Sharon Public Library
Holiday Party tickets will shortly be available. $30 per member
Spearhead shovels for sale: see website for details
Greens Workshop on December 14th: need volunteers for set up and clean up and to make arrangements for Holiday Party and Foremost
Website now includes a Member Directory and updates to member section to include information in Yearbook
Featured Speaker: Joan Butler “Perennial Propagation”
October Monthly Meeting
Our October meeting featured speaker Ruth Evans, who demonstrated floral design “Beyond The Cornucopia”
Meeting Touchpoints:
We need one more person to make a floral arrangement of the Library in December
Holiday Party Decorating Committee looking for volunteers